

今天是我第一天的末考,带着既紧张期待的心情进入考场。紧张:因为很怕问题难道我。。期待:因为永远不必看到这张纸了。。哈哈哈!!时间一秒一秒地过,终于轮到我们进考场了。找到自己的位子便做了下来。看到桌上的考卷时心情更加紧张。。深怕没时间完成。。仔细一看。。。cherr~~只不过四题罢了。时间上应该没问题吧!打开考卷一看。。糟糕。。第一题问题我就不会了。。我的妈呀!数学竟然问的是definition。。而我却完全没留意到这些“东西”。。还占了整张考卷的40%。。这次真的完蛋了啦! 好想哭了啦! 呜呜呜...
当我要走出考场时竟被一位站岗的老太太拦住,我还以为发生了什么事.因为我还是由始以来第一次在考场被人拦下.原来她说的是我的穿着(衣服太短了)..接着还拿了一张表格让我填..莫名其妙..其他人也不是和我一样吗?colar shirt,长裤和球鞋..而且还有人穿拖鞋进考场呢!偏偏我就这么倒霉被她注意到了..或许我太出众了吧!哈哈哈......但我也不管这么多了..填好表格后就走人了..反正他们得空得很..我才没那么多闲工夫和他们在那边纠缠..就算自己倒霉吧..


Siloy 诗蕊 said...

sighhhh, stupid uni with stupid system..lebih punya job~~~

Pity Cat.. said...

reply siloy:even though ukm is the
1st university in
malaysia,but wanna find
gardenia bread oso

Siloy 诗蕊 said...

hey, dun simply speak out that UKM is the 1st university in malaysia lar, very paiseh wna u know...UKM was in 2006, just a year. In the year of 2007, UKM and yet UM all dropped. Neither UKM nor UM is the 1st university in malaysia( but I think both of these universities are nope for the latest ranking), they still out of top 200 in the world, sigh... for further information, pls visit http://www.webometrics.info/rank_by_country.asp?country=my&zoom_highlight=malaya